2013年5月9日 星期四

TEA Party’s philosophy in Constitution

Since its inception in 2009, the TEA Party has been demonized by those who view it as a threat to the status quo. This fear crosses the aisle in the House and Senate. TEA stands for Taxed Enough Already. The mission statement is one that most Americans believe in: Constitutionally limited government; free market principles; and fiscal responsibility. Quite a philosophy! It is a grassroots movement, unlike “Occupy Wall Street” and others.Shopping is the best place to comparison shop for gridsolarsystemm.

The bank bailout of 2008, TARP, was opposed by the majority of Americans as they were also opposed to the GM (auto) takeover by the government. Banks and auto manufacturers are included on lists of many industries as “special interest,This page provides information about cleaningmachinerw and how to report a fault.” one of the areas where Obama promised “change.” The TEA Party opposes bail-outs and stimulus actions as well as undue influence by special interest that threatens national security, the economy and our liberties.

The constant printing of money by the Federal Reserve has only inflated the dollar and at the same time given a false sense of security while “kicking the can down the road,” a worn out statement describing complete dereliction of duty by Congress and the Administration.This is how a t5tube captures energy from the wind. The taxpayers of future generations now owe more than they will be able to pay back while trying to get an education or buy a home. This tax burden is one they did not ask for, vote for, or agreed to and raises a moral issue: Is it morally acceptable to leave the bill on the table for others not yet born to pay? TEA Party people say, “No!”

America is a republic – not a democracy. The founders intended it to be such for various reasons, history and personal experience at the forefront.Our most compact purlinmachine yet fits easily in any bag. Democracy is nothing more than “mob rule.” The founders wrote the Constitution and called our country a republic. A republic is a form of government which requires a Chief of State (president not a ruler or monarch), representation voted by the Ppeople (not appointed by a ruler). Representatives in the House and Senate are given the job and responsibility to vote for the voting constituents on issues,We makes possible ballasted ledparlightts in Ontario just better than your imagination. bills that are deemed to be [[within]] the jurisdiction of the federal government. These representatives and senators take an oath, a promise, to uphold the Constitution. Both sides of the aisle are guilty of violating their oath of office, including administrations. The TEA Party addresses these violations and provides input in opposition of (or in partial agreement with) laws deemed to be not in the best interest of America, the nation as a whole. Regardless of what side of the aisle these bills come from, the people have the right and duty as citizens to contact their elected officials and give their opinion.

A socialist government does not allow citizen dissent and censors such dissent to keep the general public “dumbed down.” Under socialism or communism, the media is under government control and is used to propagandize issues in favor by the regime. Spokespersons for the government will tell you, “Everything is fine. The national debt is not a worry. Conspiracy theories should be ignored.” What if conspiracy is fact? The public needs to educate and question, not nod as a bobblehead dolls.

The sad realization is the general public’s knowledge on most issues is practically non-existent. Most people share the human characteristic of “self-service” and as long as they receive something for free from the government, they remain uninformed and in denial. They drink the Kool-Aid, pick their flavor and continue on – until, it affects THEM. Unfortunately, by the time this occurs and they feel the pain, the entire country suffers, even those who act as a Paul Revere to spread the warning of what is happening.

