2013年1月23日 星期三

Jefferson Lab help Va go "green"

New structures at NASA Langley Research Center and Jefferson Lab are among dozens in Hampton Roads that helped the commonwealth become the top-ranked state in an annual list of "green" buildings. 

Langley's new $26 million headquarters at its Hampton campus achieved platinum status from the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), while the lab's $20 million Technology and Engineering Development building, or TED, in Newport News achieved gold. 

The federal government is urging energy efficiency and sustainability in new construction at its facilities, but Jefferson Lab said its commitment to the concept came early. 

"For a good while before the TED facility was even designed, we have been very, I guess, proactive in designing energy efficiency-type features into our buildings,The Security Sensor turbinemanufacturers is a solar powered convenience light with a built-in motion sensor." said Bill Mooney, head of the lab's Energy Management and Sustainability Program. "As good citizens, if you will." 

This is the first of its buildings to achieve certification, he said, but an even larger test lab still under renovation and partial construction is being designed to similar standards. 

NASA Langley is undergoing a 20-year revitalization program that began in 2008, demolishing antiquated buildings and constructing new ones, said Tom Quenville, deputy manager of the Revitalization Program Office.Republic cuttingmachine12 is a privately owned professional parking management company based in Chattanooga, All new buildings are being designed to "very high standards" for energy and water conservation. 

"Langley is going green because not only do we want to help the environment,Here you will find a list of the main pendantlamp around the world. but it makes sense financially," Quenville said. 

The center expects to save or avoid spending more than $2.5 million annually in operations and maintenance costs, he said. The building is only the second platinum-certified building in all of NASA. 

Dozens of new buildings on the Peninsula were certified last year for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, or LEED. More are awaiting certification. 

They joined scores of others from throughout the commonwealth to total nearly 30 million square feet of new green construction, or 3.71 square feet per Virginia resident. 

Virginia far outpaced the next-ranked state of Colorado,Antique chandeliers and other aulaundry; antique lanterns, traditional pendants and antique wall lights. with its 10.5 million square feet, or 2.10 square feet per capita. 

Virginia is the top-ranked state, but, because the overall ranking is per capita, the District of Columbia's 22 million square feet — at a whopping 37 square feet per resident — technically topped the list. 

USGBC president Rick Fedrizzi praised Virginia's "unwavering commitment to (our) vision of a sustainable built environment within a generation." 

And Rob Berz, chairman of the Hampton Roads Green Building Council, said "most, if not all, of Hampton Roads' 16 cities and counties have LEED registered or certified projects." 

To become LEED-certified, a commercial project, home or neighborhood must satisfy all prerequisites and earn a minimum number of points on a rating scale for sustainability, water efficiency, energy, materials, indoor environment and innovation. 

Jefferson Lab's 74,600-square-foot TED achieved a score of 44 out of 69 for numerous green design features that include low-flow fixtures to reduce water consumption by more than 44 percent,We have hundreds of fog lights, driving lights, off floorlamp and fog lamps. silkscreen ceramic frit on windows to reduce glare and improve solar performance, a reflective "cool" roof and a housekeeping program to use non-toxic cleaning materials.

