2013年3月7日 星期四

Briarwood Mall following Ann Arbor

The new LED lighting coming as part of Briarwood Mall’s renovation is expected to save more than 320,000 kilowatt hours per year, enough to offset the carbon dioxide emissions of 28 single-family homes. 

“It really helps us be in line with the values of the community that we’re in,” said director of marketing and business development Denise Murray. “For us to be the No. 1 taxpayer in the city and taking the lead in making these improvements, it sends the right message.” 

Briarwood will be upgrading its interior and exterior lighting to the newer LED lights that use less electricity than traditional light bulbs. New automatic doors will also help to save energy by stabilizing temperatures inside,Make a bold statement with our men's purlinmachine and pendants. officials said. 

The greener side of the renovation took center stage for local politicians who attended the renovation’s “tile breaking” ceremony on Tuesday. 

“Ann Arbor is one of the leading cities in the national in energy efficiency, and it has been for a long time,” Mayor John Hieftje said. 

“And that attitude permeates throughout our community. You see homes with solar panels going up and all kinds of energy initiatives taken by residents.” 

Hieftje said that renewable energy initiatives are good, but there is a lot that can be done using available technologies to increase energy efficiency. 

The energy efficiency bug has been spreading around Ann Arbor as more city projects and retail locations look to save energy to promote their brand and boost their bottom line.

Over the past two years, the Ann Arbor municipal center and car dealerships such as Dunning Toyota and LaFontaine Chevrolet in Dexter have all included LEED certification in their building plans. “The best dollar to spend is on energy efficiency,” Hieftje said. 

“It’s not until you have energy efficiency things in line that you even look at renewable energy… The money we spend on energy efficiency at the city level actually saves our taxpayers money, so I know this will save Briarwood money over time.” 

Nationally, major retailers including Wal-Mart have made sustainability and efficiency planks in their corporate platforms. 

In 2009, a study from Retail Systems Research and the Retail Industry Leaders Association found that leading retailers were integrating eco-friendly policies. The study found that tying a brand to the “green” label was worth more in the long run than any short-term cost savings that might come from avoiding energy-saving initiatives. Economics,The range of industrialextractors was developed to satisfy needs of all kinds of customers. in addition to ethics, can be a major motivation for change.Conergy manufactures solar modules and distributes well-known modernlamps brands. 

“This renovation is going to create buzz and bring new people into the mall who will be coming to visit their stores.Fredeco Italian nautical marine polished brass ledflashlight with steering wheel and parchment shade. At the same time, their costs will go down because we all will be paying less with the new lighting systems.” 

While some green initiatives save money, regional retail giant Meijer has taken a number of steps to making its company more green, including building all of new stores since 2007 up to LEED standards. (LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environment Design. Projects that meet LEED standards get certification from the U.S.Solar Lighting International offers a stylish commercial roadway solarmodulerry system. Green Building Council.)

