2011年12月6日 星期二

City gives green light for new median landscaping

Clayton's main drag is about to get a whole new look. At the Nov. 16 meeting, the City Council voted to tear out the deteriorating landscaping in the median between Mitchell Canyon Road and Oakhurst Drive and replace it with five illuminated live oak trees, flowering shrubs and terraced walls.

"It will be spectacular," said Councilman Howard Geller. "I can't wait for the first shovel to hit the ground.Minjun Electronic Co.,Ltd have the best led bike light,and provide bluecrystal1 with you,"

The $230,000 project has been in the works for six years, waiting for water and money.

City Maintenance Supervisor John Johnston, started working on the design in 2006, but it was sidelined by a two-year drought and a sluggish economy.

This year, the Landscape Maintenance District, which operates on a "pay-as-you-go" basis, finally had enough money in the bank to include the project in its capital improvement budget. All of the existing plants and trees in the median will be torn out and the irrigation system replaced with a computerized system that will save on water and labor.

"Sadly, this means the four crape myrtles have to go." There was simply no way to incorporate them into the new design without "sacrificing the vision," Johnston said.

"When you drive into town, we want a canopy of trees down the main boulevards," Johnson explained.Batteries, either saler4ds or disposable, are often used to power electric bicycle lights.

But, it is important in that the canopy be high enough that drivers can see the Town Center when coming down Clayton Road. The oaks, all illuminated with LED lighting, will lift the ceiling as you drop into town, Johnston said.

Between the oak trees are raised planters with flowering shrubs, ground covers, some pavers and terraced walls next to the CVS store.

The council praised Johnston for a well thought-out design that will "showcase the city."

"The plan is awesome," said Julie Pierce before joining fellow council members in a 4-0 vote.We can produce led panel light,ccrystal according to your requirements. "It will knock their socks off." Councilman Dave Shuey was absent.

Nothing brightens the holiday season like a bold and colorful splash of Christmas lights -- and nothing's more bold and colorful than the newer-style LED lights. But not everyone's ready to sacrifice tradition for efficiency.

Jennifer Hall has always decorated her tree with traditional Christmas lights and hasn't bought into the whole LED craze.Buy cheap brightstal, discount light strip, LED signal lights, wheel lights on car decorations store, free shipping for all orders.

"If it's not broken, why fix it? Right now, all the bulbs work," offered Hall.

While Hall sticks with what she knows, many are bucking tradition and buying LED lights. In fact, Home Depot claims to have sold over 40,The main products in our company are goodledbulbs, LED bulbs, LED spotlights, LED lamps, LED lighting,000 miles of the light sets last year -- that's enough to circle the globe one and a half times.

Some people believe LED's aren't as bright and colorful as traditional lights but compare the brightness side by side and the conventional strands give off a yellowish glow. LED lights are a bright white color.

