2011年5月30日 星期一

Add drama to landscape with lighting

Add drama to landscape with lighting
Few things are prettier in a night garden than soft pools of light illuminating interesting trees, accent rocks and plants, or pathways. Whether on a small terrace or in a sweeping landscape, lighting creates a welcoming and often dramatic atmosphere.
But in some cases, buried-wire electric lighting can be costly and impracticable.On the other hand there are drivers for r4sale which a car is not just a vehicle or a transportation tool but something much more. The answer might be solar lighting.

The technology of solar lighting has been refined in recent years to include new batteries that take and hold a charge better — typically 1,000 nights per unit. LED bulbs, too, have become more efficient: They can stay outside in any weather, and are available in various watts and colors.

“Most of our clientele prefer LED lighting,” said Justin Wall, owner of Coldwater Landscapes in the Shoals. “It's low voltage (with an) 80,000-hour guarantee. That's like a 15-year warranty.”

Solar lighting is the way to go if the bulbs are in direct sunlight most of the time, Wall said. If your yard is shady,It pays to go to professionals with bestlight a proven track record in LED lighting, a vast selection of excellent quality products from various vendors that live up to their label, and a history of successfully completed projects. however, or even if the weather stays cloudy for a bit, solar may not always be reliable, he said.

Jamie Durie, author and host of HGTV's “The Outdoor Room,The particular demise with the incandescent bulb bluebright continues calmly yet non-stop and in less as compared to any year or two today the sole goods stocked in stores is going to be lower electricity bulbs,” suggests three ways to use solar lighting:

“First, light your perimeter. It gives some perspective and is a creative way to show the boundaries of your property,” Durie said. “Next, mark out your walks and pathways. Lastly, feature trees and other features with up-lighting, or even by attaching solar lights to walls and fences.”

Up-lighting can have a dramatic effect on landscaping, Wall said, especially when illuminating a tree's canopy. But be careful to avoid both “dead” and “hot” spots — places that are either too dark or much too light. Subtlety is key in outdoor lighting, he said.

Durie's not a fan of “clinical” white LEDs, preferring those with amber light.The retrofit process itself can range from a simple count of existing lamps to a brightshine very detailed energy survey, which includes collecting information from your existing lighting, Make sure when buying solar lights that they're all the same tone. And for areas where you want greater intensity, look for lights with more than two and preferably four LEDs in them.

“When they first came out, people didn't like LED (because of its) bluish tint,” Wall said. “But now with new technology, it's not like a blue light anymore — it's a nice, soothing, regular light.”

In his projects, Durie often combines low-voltage electrical lights with solar. Solar lights give a garden a finished look. And once you've purchased the light, the power is as eternal as sunshine.Although police doesn't like it very much but one thing is certain, that your car will certainly stand out from the rest lightonsale vehicles on the road You don't have to make something "hardcore".

