2012年3月20日 星期二

Environmentalism - Greener Than Thou

The most obnoxious and hypocritical people are those who are always preaching a "greener" way of life, insisting that anything that constitutes our modern lifestyles are destroying the Earth and depleting its natural resources. Never mind that we depend upon oil, natural gas, coal, and a host of minerals and chemicals for that lifestyle, the absence of which caused people in earlier eras to live shorter, far more unpleasant lives.

Oil, other than ust an energy source is also a component in countless products, starting with plastic, and is so vital to modern life that its value goes far beyond just being able to drive our cars to visit grandma.where you can learn about r4onsale as well as buy your bike lights online.

Greener than thou has replaced holier than thou ever since Rachel Carson penned her pernicious and seriously flawed attack on DDT and other chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides in 1962. The result has been the needless deaths of millions from malaria in Africa and subtropical nations after the U.S. banned DDT and other nations followed suit. If there was a comparable pesticide available today, the U.S. would not be suffering a biblical plague of bed bugs.

A bone fide environmentalist, David Owen, has written a book that quite literally filets environmentalism,The fire is the latest dangerous incident involving Chinese ledstrip12, which are increasingly released at weddings and other celebrations. "The Conundrum: How Scientific Innovation, Increased Efficiency, and Good Intentions can Make Our Energy and Climate Problems Worse."

Owen, who has authored 14 previous books, examines the way environmentalism frequently makes no sense at all. This is not to be confused with conservation, the earlier movement that led to the preservation of some of the nation's natural wonders.Lean and luminous, these detachable divinglamp147 withstand all weather conditions and pop with color.

To live an environmentally acceptable way of life is the same as striving to be a saint, avoiding "sin" in order to secure a place in heaven. It is not only virtually impossible, but to be human is to consume what Nature provides.Riding a bicycle around the city at night can be a perilous pastime, but a new bluecrystal1 could make life safer in the cycle lane. If you think about, all of Earth's creatures are consumers, depending on where they are on the food chain.

For example, when environmentalists convinced Congress to reduce the amount of water in toilet tanks, the only thing they accomplished was to require that the newer, smaller tanks had be flushed twice to rid he toilet of feces and urine, People should think twice about using ledflashlightts at celebrations this summer because they are causing problems in the countryside, ..., more use of water, not less.

The EPA has just issued a ruling they claim is necessary to reduce mercury emissions despite the fact that your average volcanic eruption puts more into the atmosphere than any human imposed restrictions could ever achieve. Congress, however, passed a law banning 100-watt incandescent light bulbs, thus requiring people to purchase mercury-filled ones that, if broken, require a hazmat team to clean up after.

It believes that humans actually have anything to do with "saving the Earth" when the natural forces of the Earth are so far beyond any "control" that it routinely reminds us of this fact. We have zero impact on the climate and, as for carbon dioxide, the villain of all "global warming" claims, humans exhale about six pounds of it every day. And there are seven billion of us. Even so, it constitutes barely 0.033 percent of the atmosphere.

