2011年11月29日 星期二

Programs aim to help customers save energy, money

A program offering Michigan homeowners and businesses the chance to earn rebates for making their buildings more energy efficient is getting a warm review from utilities, environmentalists and customers.

"We're finding these programs are hugely popular," said Dan Bishop of Consumers Energy Co. The Jackson-based utility and many others throughout the state are working with private contractors to offer energy assessments that can mean hundreds and even thousands of dollars in rebates to customers who add insulation, caulk windows and make other changes once the assessments are done.Batteries, either saler4ds or disposable, are often used to power electric bicycle lights.

It's all part of meeting a requirement in the 2008 legislative package that rewrote Michigan's energy laws. The law requires the utilities to work with customers to reduce electric use by 5.5 percent and natural gas use by 3.85 percent by 2015.We are professional led panel light,brightcrystall2011 manufacturers and factory in China.

To meet that goal, all 63 utility companies in the state, ranging from tiny cooperatives to utility giants Consumers Energy and Detroit Edison, have submitted plans to the Michigan Public Service Commission on ways they can help their customers save energy and money while delaying the need to build expensive new power plants.

Over the next three years, energy efficiency programs are expected to save Michigan utility customers $1.2 billion as they buy less electricity and natural gas, the commission's website says.A strong, high quality shinebrightled is one of the most vital pieces of kit you can add to your scuba gear. It estimates that utility customers save $3 in avoided energy costs for every $1 they spend on energy efficiency.

The Michigan Environmental Council, which supports energy conservation and has opposed plans to build new coal-burning electric plants in the state, notes that a Public Service Commission report released earlier this year showed that the energy saved through increased efficiency is one-tenth the cost of energy created through new power generation.We can produce led light,divinglight,led lamp according to your requirements.

"Energy conservation is the least expensive and fastest way to meet our energy needs, and it's the only energy option that actually saves customers money," council spokesman Hugh McDiarmid said.

For Karen Ammarman of Dimondale, getting an energy audit and signing up for the improvements suggested by the workers at Dr. Energy Saver made sense. The Lansing-based company first approached her with low-cost ideas on how to save energy, offering to give her two compact fluorescent light bulbs and a water-saving shower head that could cut down on the use of hot water. It then offered to do a comprehensive energy audit of her home. With the $100 rebate from Consumers Energy, the audit cost her $100.

After taking thermal images of her home and conducting a forced air test that showed where heat was escaping,Buy cheap brightstal, discount light strip, LED signal lights, wheel lights on car decorations store, free shipping for all orders. John Kutas of Dr. Energy Saver had some suggestions. There was little attic insulation in the 1985 three-bedroom ranch house, so beefing it up with 12 to 15 inches of new insulation would make a significant difference, he said. So would caulking windows and doors and insulating the can lights and soffits in her kitchen.

Kutas told her the work could be done for $5,000 and that Consumers Energy would give her $1,425 in rebates. Ammarman didn't choose to do everything the company suggested, but opted for most of the improvements. Once a three-man crew did all the work this past Tuesday, she said she can notice a difference already.

